Saturday, May 16, 2009

To start it all off....

Well, here's my first blog post EVER. Oh boy! And you're reading it, which is weird to think about. Honestly, never thought that I was going to enter the blogging world, but by inspiration from Abbey Schwada, I figured it would be the best way to stay in touch with everyone this summer while I'm at kamp. Don't get me wrong, I still want to communicate in other ways, like through letter, calls, emails, and facebooking, but since my time off is so irregular and short, I think that this is the best way to keep everything and everyone updated. But please still write me at kamp!! Here's my address:

793 K-West Dr.
Lampe, MO 65681

So, anyway, that's it! Can't wait to hear how y'all's summers are going as well. Keep me posted!


  1. So cool you are doing this! I will definitely look forward to reading your blog. Great picture in the bluebonnets, by the way! :)

    Love you!


  2. Beenie! I LOVE that you have a blog! Thanks so much for including me in it!! you are so precious and are gonna make SUCH an impact on these girls lives! God is arranging it already ;)
    props to abbey for the idea haha

  3. hey allison! how is kamp!? i hope it is going good! i will try to write you, haha just have to find the time! school is ending; finally! and i cant wait till summer! i miss you! you need to come home!!!! haha i cant wait till you get back see you soon! love you! -kelsey! (:
