Let's just say that today is the first day this summer that I have truly MISSED home. I got a sweet video message from Peter and Beth Smart and I literally almost started crying because it brought me such joy! Thank you. And then getting to talk to my parents and my good friend, Jonathan, just now brought it on even more. Jonathan is getting married to a sweet girl named Kat on July 4th and it make me so sad that I won't be able to be there! Thank you all for all your sweet letters of encouragement and love over these past several weeks. I have cherished them all! Unfortunately, life has been crazy busy as a one-week counselor! Since K-West is designed for two-weekers, my cos and I feel like we have to use every free moment that we have to dig into the lives of these precious girls. So that means lots of hanging out and 1:1 (for you, Uncle Pete) walks during FOB (our rest period during the day). So, basically, that has translated into not a lot of down time for Allison. Those of you who know me well know that I'm good at keeping myself busy in the first place, so that's definitely something that I'm trying to work on again. I would definitely appreciate prayers for that. I need to find a balance between spending time with the girls in my cabin, hanging out and being refreshed by others at kamp, and finding time to be with myself, too.
I may have mentioned this before, I can't remember, but lately I've been learning what it looks like to rest in God. To not focus on what I can DO or what I'm supposed to DO, but just BEING with Him. I guess it's kind of ironic looking at what I just said about trying to stop and rest, but that's just where I'm at.
I'm going to cut this blog short for now because I really just want to call people, but things have been going well. It's so much fun being a counselor, and each group of kids has been different in thae way that they approach things. With the first group, I would say our main focus of teaching was grace, the second, purity, and we'll see about this third one...
Hang in there sweetie! I got my invitation today for the wedding in August. Yippee! also the website looks awesome with a little thing about you and Austin. Miss ya! Your family was in New Braunfuls today getting their part sewed up. Then Schlitterbaun, I do believe.